Thursday, September 27, 2012

Bankhead Blues

If I EVER chose the right time to stop driving my own car for my 60 plus mile commute, it is now.  You may not believe it to look at me, but I am a closet road-rager.  I'm sometimes even upset that I have the kids with me because then I know I have to maintain control over my urge to throw a tantrum when someone in front of me is going 20 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour zone and there's a constant double line preventing me from passing them.  Or, when the idiots who were absent on "turn signal day" in driver's ed get behind the wheel.  But, especially when traffic is bumper to bumper on the Bayway.

The Bankhead tunnel was closed this week for much needed repairs.  I never take the Bankhead anyway, but obviously many motorists do, because suddenly this week there was a mess everyday trying to get across the bay.  From both directions.  Add a wreck in the Wallace tunnel, and you've got an extra hour or so to enjoy the interior of your car.

Notice I said "you."  "I," on the other hand, remained comfortably oblivious.  "I" read, filed my nails, played Words With Friends like I was a female Alec Baldwin and arrived at my destination cool, calm  and collected.

Others chose to bring their need to manage stressful situations onto the bus with them this week.  SO MANY debates on how to handle the traffic overflow.  Team Cochran Bridge vs. Team I-10 to Wallace Tunnel.  One Professional even had some parting words for the bus driver--  "I suppose your dispatcher wouldn't let you take another route?  Well fine, I guess I'll just take my car for the rest of the week..."  I have a new appreciation for bus drivers.

So, the good news, I guess, is that the Bankhead Tunnel is open now-- several days ahead of schedule.  The better news is that for me, it really doesn't matter!  Hmmm...  where to use this U...  Hey look!  I won!

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